Sunday 29 April 2012

Question Zero: System Test

Question Zero is here to test the system and make sure everything is running smoothly. Please answer the question so that you can see how the system works. Any technical problems, please leave a comment or send an email as instructed in the Competition Rules page.

Question Zero

The simplest magic square is a 3x3 grid in which you must place the numbers 1 to 9 inclusive so that every row, every column and every diagonal have the same sum.

a) Submit one solution to the magic square problem.

This does not have to be an image, just write the digits in their correct places, for example:

1 3 5
7 9 2
4 6 8

Note, this is not a solution!

b) Your solution to part (a) is not unique. You can move the numbers using a variety of transformations so that the magic square remains magic! How many solutions in total are there?

You need to answer both parts (a) and (b) to qualify as a complete solution.

Have fun!







Don't look at the answers!

Try it yourself first.







You'll get a better brain buzz when you solve it yourself!





One day you will need to solve somthing that nobody has solved!


Friday 13 April 2012

Competition Rules and Registration

May Maths Mayhem Month (M4) is an online competition for students at an International School that is part of the Bangkok Teachers Network Gifted and Talented Cluster Group. The competition is open to students in years 7, 8 and 9 according to the British system, or who are 12 to 14 years old.

The competition will consist of 12 challenges, one per day. For 2012 the competition days are the weekdays from Thursday the 10th to Friday the 25th May inclusive. The final scores and standings will be published by the 31st May. A Prize Ceremony shall be held at Traill International School on Monday 11th June (full details to follow).

A small entry fee of 200 Baht will be charged per student. This will go towards the prizes; these will be announced once we know the number of participants. Please ask your teacher about payment.

The competition questions will be a mixture of mathematical challenges, strategic games and puzzles and questions about mathematics that may require some online research.

Students will participate as individuals. Every student must register as a Friend or User of this blog. You can do this on the right-hand column. After you have done this then please leave a comment below this Rules page with your name and school; this is just to check that you are able to comment on all questions. If the competition has already started you can still register and participate. Please also try Question Zero to ensure you are able to answer questions. It would also be useful to sign up for email alerts so that you know immediately when a new question is posted.

Each new question will be posted at around midday Bangkok time. You submit your answer by leaving a comment using the box below each question. The answers submitted will not be published immediately but only after having received at least 10 correct answers or the next question has been published, whichever is the earliest. This is obviously so that other students cannot see the answers submitted. The order of the top 10 answers will be determined by the time stamp on the comments. This will all be visible once I publish the answers.

A question will be marked as CLOSED once there are ten correct answers or the next question has been published, whichever happens first.

The top ten teams shall receive the following points according to their position for each question:

1st place = 25 points
2nd = 18
3rd = 15
4th = 12
5th = 10
6th = 8
7th = 6
8th = 4
9th = 2
10th = 1

A table of top students shall be updated once each question is closed. The maximum number of points for a 12-round competition is 300.

Note that this is a pilot competition. My aim is to run a weekly M4 question next year during terms one and two, with the best students being invited to a maths and puzzles day during the third term. Any feedback is therefore appreciated to make this the best possible experience.

Good Luck!